2013The New Jersey AOH Board Seeks To Preserve Our History
Do you, family, friends, and others in your Division have materials that you are looking to preserve and share research-wise with fellow members of the AOH? We are here to help you with space, advice, and aid when it comes to building a strong archive and research center devoted to Hibernian history in the Garden State. Counted among the items we are actively seeking include, but are not limited to the following types…
Division Histories, Office Files, Meeting Agendas and Minutes, Scrapbooks, Journals, Correspondence, Newsletters/Newspapers, Program Booklets, Flyers, Announcements, Posters, Memorabilia of All Types
These are just a few examples to consider as you search your respective attics, basements, and other storage nooks. We are also available to consult with you concerning what you might want to conserve at your respective site in the way of financial and personnel records. In addition, research inquires related to any aspect of Ireland, Irish America, and Irish New Jersey are always welcome!
Please contact State Historian, Alan DeLozier at [email protected]
Thank you in advance for your participation and interest.