2022 Major Degree Ceremony

The Hudson County Ancient Order of Hibernians, Fr. Mychal Judge Division 1, with the approval of the New Jersey State Board and in association with the Cu Chulainn Celtic Warrior Major Degree Team invites you to the following:

Major Degree Ceremony

Saturday, April 2, 2022
Hudson Catholic Regional High School
790 Bergen Ave
Jersey City, N.J. 07306

11:00AM (Sign In) Registration
Bagels, Coffee and Light Refreshments

Noon Shamrock Degree Ceremony

1:00PM Major Degree Ceremony

Cost: $35.00 Candidates – $30.00 Observers

Following the degree there will be a reception with a cash bar at the Astor Bar across the street. Ample parking is available at the school.

Observing with no admittance to the reception is free

We ask that you stress the importance of the Order’s long-standing ceremony and the obligation that each member lives by our great motto. As we continue to strive to strengthen the foundation, the sponsors of the event hope to increase the number of degreed brothers and bring together divisions from around the state to celebrate our Catholic – Irish heritage. Our goal is that each of us join and unify through a special unity as Hibernians and end the day as a stronger, more unified, Brotherhood. At the time when you were initially sworn into your division and took the oath, you promised “you would learn the lessons and take the test of the Order”. Now is the time to fulfill that promise.

To obtain an accurate headcount for food, refreshments and hall rental, we ask that Division Presidents contact your membership and provide a list of each member attending the Degree. Please contact Treasurer Leo McGuire with your list of attendees (Degree candidate and observers) by March 25th. Seating is limited.

Leo P. McGuire, Treasurer
New Jersey State Board
Email: [email protected]
Cell Phone: 201-677-8576

 Please observe the following:

 1) Travel cards are required by all for admittance. All members must show their 2022 Travel card.  The degree team will not confer the Major Degree to anyone without a travel card.

2) The exemplification of the Major Degree Ceremony is open to all formally sworn in members of the Order, who are in good standing in their division.

3) All officers are required to be degreed members of the Order. Officers from newly established divisions are required to obtain their degree at the next available Major Degree ceremony to hold office.

4) All degreed AOH members are welcome and urged to join in and help us in welcoming our newly degreed members to the Order.

5) Dress code is business casual. This means absolutely NO tee shirts or shorts. Comfortable footwear is recommended.

6) Consumption of alcoholic beverages is NOT permitted in the hall during the ceremony.